Leadership Giving

United Way of Southern Chester County's Leadership Giving Circle was created to recognize members of our community who demonstrate an exceptional commitment to helping others. These influential leaders provide inspiration and motivation for others to take pride in caring for our community.  They understand that like any investment, the benefits extend far into the future. The people helped through their generous gifts, in turn, affect our communities in the years to come.

The United Way Leadership Circle recognizes donors who give over $1,000 a year. These individuals are critical to our mission to advance the common good and improve the quality of life in Southern Chester County. Members are invited to special gatherings and opportunities to learn more about the impact of their giving. 

  • Alexis de Tocqueville Society - $10,000 and up
  • Brandywine Society - $5,000 - $9,999
  • Longwood Society - $3,000 - $4,999
  • Sponsor - $1,000 - $2,999
To learn more about our Leadership Giving Circle, contact our CEO, Darcie Martin.
We offer many options for making your Leadership level donation. Click HERE to learn more.